Ever wanted to randomly create a Baby Carriage out of a Watermelon??? Wellll Just in case you were curious, here are some steps!:
Always wash your fruit. Watermelon carries germs and dirt on it's skin so if you cut into it without washing, you are transmitting that dirt and germ via the knife into the melon..same with all tough flesh fruit (Cantaloupes, Honeydews, Oranges...) |
Cut a thiiiin slice off the bottom so it can sit flat. Usually the Melon will have a natural flat point (from growing on the ground) |
A little past the half way point on the melon, draw a line over across the melon (leaving space at the bottom, and connect the line across) |
Carefully carve along the outside of the drawn line. |
This is what you end up with
If you have a melon baller you can scoop out little balls and add to a bowl of mixed fruit. The mixed fruit will be placed in the watermelon once everything is done.
Carve out the rest of the meat. The rest can be used for soup, smoothie or a nice libation :) |
Carved out Melon |
Here I am carving out little ridges with a small knife. Be gentle. |
End Result |
Remember this piece? We are going to cut out that odd shape. |
The Wheels are Naval Oranges put in place with toothpicks. |
I added some cherries to the wheel. Some people use kiwi fruit. |
Tah Dah! Congratualations! |
Amazing! Toya, you rock! I'm going to try this the next baby shower I head to...wish me luck!